Lab News
January 2020
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
Derek and Chris travel to Orlando to present at Experimental Biology.
Rachel is awarded Human Nutrition Student of the Year at WVU. Congratulations, Rachel!
Several undergraduate interns participate in the WVU Undergraduate Research Symposium, showcasing results they have collected while working in the Tou Lab.
Chris accepts position as Assistant Professor of Health Sciences at University of the Ozarks in Clarksville, AR. Congratulations, Chris!
Chris successfully defends his PhD. Congratulations, Dr. Skinner!
December 2018
Chris' paper "Apple pomace consumption favorably alters hepatic lipid metabolism in young female Sprague-Dawley rats fed a Western diet" is published in Nutrients.
Rachel wins the Carl del Signore Foundation Graduate Scholarship.
Chris completes the certificate in University Teaching.
November 2018
paper "Apple pomace consumption favorably alters hepatic lipid
metabolism in young female Sprague-Dawley rats fed a Western diet" is accepted in Nutrients.
Chris and Derek submit abstracts to attend Experimental Biology 2019 in Orlando.
Derek and Rachel submit abstracts to attend IFT 2019 in New Orleans.
Rachel wins the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation's Lucille Johnson Memorial Scholarship.
Chris' paper in Nutrition Reviews is selected as the cover article and is published in print.
October 2018
Mary-Kate Barker joins the Tou Lab. Welcome Mary-Kate!
Chris' paper "A comprehensive analysis of the composition, health benefits, and safety of apple pomace" is published in Nutrition Reviews.
Rachel begins her dietetic internship rotations.
July 2018
Chris places 2nd in the Nutrition Poster Division at IFT with his poster titled "Apple pomace consumption favorably alters hepatic antioxidant status in young female Sprague-Dawley rats fed a Western diet."
Chris and Derek attend IFT 2018 in Chicago, IL.
Undergraduate student Katy Taylor places 2nd at the WVU SURE Symposium with her poster titled "Consumption of silver carp sarcoplasmic protein on bone health."
Derek's paper "Nutritional quality and physical characteristics of soluble proteins recovered from silver carp" is published in Journal of Food Science.
May 2018
Dr. Tou attends CIFST conference in Niagra, Ontario.
April 2018
Chris attends Experimental Biology conference in San Diego, CA.
Chris passes his qualifying exam becoming a PhD Candidate.
March 2018
Undergraduate Katy Taylor places 2nd at WVU's Undergraduate Research Symposium with her poster titled "Apple pomace consumption has no detrimental effects on bone indices in a rat model."
Chris places 1st at WVU's Davis Research Symposium with his poster titled "Apple pomace consumption favorably alters oxidative stress and antioxidant status in growing female Sprague-Dawleys rats."
Derek, Chris, and Rachel compete in WVU's Davis Research Symposium.
Derek completes his rodent feeding study--now time for all the lab work!
January 2018
The Tou Lab joins the 21st Century with a website!